Monday 19 September 2016

Blue Water Decals - BPS Review

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Blue Water Decals - BPS Review
These are water decals from Born Pretty Store . This is a different pattern and it's predominantly blue so I matched it with one of my favorite blue shades, the blurple leaning navy blue OPI Road House Blues.
Blue Water Decals - BPS Review

Blue Water Decals - BPS Review
Blue Water Decals - BPS Review
Blue Water Decals - BPS Review

I had the same problem as last time with these decals, the sheet is too small so there is not enough decals for all the nails. That's a bit sad because the patterns are so nice on these decals. But they are of good quality and I really like the designs. You can check out more water decal patterns here or just search for water decals at BPS because theres a lot of variations of these decals right now. Just remember that you might want two sheets since they are smaller than usual.

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